Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Report by Joan Veon, Journalist to the Summit of Americas. Published in the Prophetic Observer, June 1998; vol. 5, No. 6; Southwest Radio Church, P.O. Box 1144, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, (800) 652-1144.

Clinton Signs �New Constitution� for U.S. Under the Summit of the Americas and the Free Trade Areas of the Americas signed by Clinton on April 19, 1998, climate warming is a done deal, sustainable development is a done deal, the ratification of U.N. treaties which the U.S. Senat has not ratified are a done deal, adherence to International law is a given, and the Constitution is a piece of paper. In short, Bill Clinton gave a whole new meaning to the song, �Only in Americ.�

Background: In 1994, the first Summit of the Americas was held in Miami, Florida, with the presidents and prime ministers of the other 33 countries of the Western Hemisphere attending. Cuba, because it does not hold democratice elections, is the only country which was not a participant. At that meeting they agreed to form the �Free Trade Areas of the Americas� which would be completed by 2005. According to a recent publication by the State Department entitled �Words into Deeds Progress Since the Miami Summit� (their publication number 10536), the progress made by these countries to totally integrate our hemisphere has been-in-depth. Bill Clinton in the opening page comments: �For the first time ever, we established an architecture for hemispheric relations from the Arctic Circle in the north to Argentina in the south. We created a work plan from which the democratic governments of the Americas could be judged by their people. We established a follow-on process to ensure that the decisions we reached at the Summit would be carried out. And we built a framework for further discussion at this year�s summit in Santiago, Chile, based on our shared values, common interests, and joint mission to pursue a true partnership for hemispheric peace and prosperity.�

The infrastructure which has been put in place in the last three and a half years is quite extensive. There are 23 separate initiatives in the Plan of Action and the report shows the progress which has been made under each of the initiativers. The initiatives are broken up into four main areas:

1). Preserving and Strengthening the community of Democracies in the Americas;

2). Promoting Prosperity Through Economic Integration and Free Trade;

3). Eradicating Poverty and Discrimination in our Hemisphere; and

4). Guaranteeing Sustainable Development and Conserving our Natural Environment for Future Generations. (Great sounding words huh - WM) Interestingly, all of these initiatives are a confirmation of the many United Nations conventions and treaties and action items found in many of the mega-conferences such as the �Earth Summit� in Rio in 1992; the U.N. conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994; the Social Summit in Copenhagen in 1995; the Fourth Women�s Conference in Beijing in 1995; the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul in 1996; and the World Food Summit in Rome in 1996.

In order to implement the above, thelabor, transportation, finance, justice, energy, telecommunicaitons, science and technology, education, anti-crime initiativesm, trade and commerce, health and human services, etc., ministers from the 33 countries have been meeting since 1994 to implement the above actions. What this means is that the new infrastructure now includes the 33 ministers in each of these areas integrating their organizations with each other, creating new laws and the legal infrastructure to integrate the 33 countries into one! With regard to the social issues and women�s rights, the wives of the 33 presidents have also been meeting to implement action items found in the Cairo and Beijung United Nations Plans of Actions for the Western Hemisphere!

The integration of the 33 countries will be done on several levels:

1). The integration of actions by the various ministers; trade, education, finance, etc.;

2). The signing of �bilateral� agreements between the U.S. and Chile, the U.S. and Mexico, the U.S. and (rest of the 33 countries), in which they agree to work together to open markets, and the other processes of government between the two governments; and

3). The signing of the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, which is a public-private partnership. Just as America will sign bilateral accords with the other 33 countries, so too will each of the countries sign bilateralaccords with the other countries so that by the time they are done, 1089 bilateral accords will have been signed to integrate the countries into one.

Comparison of Socialist International Goals and those of the Declaration of Santiago signed on 4/19/98

Agenda: ����� International Cooperation.

Socialist International XX Congress Report-Resolution: The xx Congress of the Socialist International (SI), held at the U.N. headquarters, is dedicated to addressing today�s global challenges through greater international cooperation.

Declaration of Santiago FTAA signed 4/19/98: We, the democractically-elected Heads of State and Government of the countries of the Americas...reaffirm our will to (strengthen cooperation) which requires sustained national efforts and dynamic international cooperation.

Agenda: SI and U.N. have shared goals of peace, democracy and sustainable development.

Socialit International XX Congress Report-Resolution: ...the SI ...has deepened its support for and its relationship with the U.N. The convergence of our International and the United Nations, based on the shared goals of peace, democracy and sustainable development... makes it most fitting that our Congress be held in New York.

Declaration of Santiago FTAA signed 4/19/98: The strengthening of democracy, political dialogue, economic stability, progress towards social justice, the extent to which our trade liberalization policies coincide, and the will to expedite a process of ongoing Hemispheric Integration...

Agenda: Education

Socialist International XX Congress Report-Resolution: Better social conditions are vital for economic development, which today depends more than ever ont he education of the population.

Declaration of Santiago FTAA signed 4/19/98: Education is the determining factor for the political, social, cultural, and economic development of our peoples.

Agenda: Latin America�s �must� to be competitive

Socialist International XX Congress Report-Resolution: The people of Latin America; who must develop the conditions to be competitive, have recognized the need to improve and strengthen regional alliances.

Declaration of Santiago FTAA signed 4/19/98: ...We have seen real economic benefits in the Americas resulting from more open trade, transparency in economic regulations, sound, market based economic policies as well as efforts by the private sector to increase its competitiveness.

Agenda: U.N. universal Declaration of Human Rights

Socialist International XX Congress Report-Resolution: The vision of the SI and our adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guide and inform our work, as is evident in the sections of the Congress Resolution that follow.

Declaration of Santigo FTAA signed 4/19/98: Respect for and promotion of human rights and the fundamental freedoms of all individuals is a primary concern...In commemorating the 50th anniversary of the American Declaration of the Rigts and Duties of Man and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we agree on the need to promote the ratification and implementation of international agreements aimed at preserving them...

Agenda: Democracy and Free Elections

Socialist International XX Congress Report-Resolution: ...our ideals of liberty, justice and solidarity, which placed the SI at the forefront in the triumph of the democratic idea, are more vital than ever because theylink together all sectors of increasingly complex societies. The problems of democracy are resolved by even greater democracy and true SOCIALISM IS DEMOCRACY EXTENDED TO ALL AREAS AND LEVELS OF SOCIETY. (Emphasis mine - WM)

Declaration of Santiago FTAA signed 4/19/98: NOTE: The following is from a press briefing given by Mack McLarty, special envoy, and Jeff Davidow, Latin American expert: �...What we have in the Summit process is the organization of democratically elected governments that can come together and the presidents can explain their goals and ogjectives in how they would like to see the RESOURCES OF THE HEMISPHERE ALLOCATED because they have been elected bypopular will. When a president of a certain country speaks, he is representing his population because he has been democratically elected. And therefore decisions that are made of what the goals of the hemisphere are represent the people.�

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